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HomeIDRC 2018 Short Courses

Short Courses

IDRC offers short courses for conferees new to the field and also for old hands who need to brush up on certain aspects of near-infrared spectroscopy.

The short courses are held on Sunday, July 29th beginning at 8:30am and run morning and afternoon until 4:30pm. The sessions are organized by world renown experts in the field, with each session being 1.5 hours long. A single fee covers all four sessions.

The sections offered this year are as follows:

 Topic  Instructor Description 
 Fundamentals of NIR
Jerry Workman
 Fundamentals of NIR
 Basic Chemometrics
Benoit Igne
 Basic Chemometrics
 PAT Rodolfo Romanach
 NIR in Pharma
 Networking Pierre Dardenne
 Networking with NIR instr.

The short courses this year are particularly designed for instrument users and students. Short course participants are encouraged to arrive on Saturday, July 28th. The pre-conference housing and meals registration option provides affordable accommodations for the course.

We hope you all enjoy what promises to be a highly rewarding short course program.