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HomeIDRC 2020 Awards


Outstanding individuals are recognized during the conference. Nominations and supporting material, from within the international spectroscopy community at large, for any of the above awards below should be sent to The deadline for all nomination materials to reach the Awards Committees is 01-Apr-2022. Awardees will be announced 22-Apr-2022. The Honorary Membership Award is traditionally announced and bestowed at the Banquet at the IDRC Meeting.

Birth Award:

The Gerald S. Birth Award for outstanding innovation in diffuse reflection or diffuse transmission spectroscopy is conferred and sponsored by the Council for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (CNIRS) in memory of Gerald Birth. The late Dr. Birth was the founder of the International Diffuse Reflectance Conference (IDRC), also sponsored by the CNIRS. He made many contributions to the instrument technology related to diffuse reflectance.

This award recognizes a specific accomplishment in advancing the Art and Science of Near Infrared Spectroscopy by a research scientist. All scientists performing research in Diffuse Reflection Spectroscopy or in Diffuse Transmission Spectroscopy in the visible, NIR or mid-IR regions are eligible for the award. The award-winning work must have been published between 01-Jan-2018 and 31-Dec-2019. The awardee (practicing or retired) may be (or have been) affiliated with industry, academia, government, or have another suitable affiliation. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-doctoral researchers are not eligible. The awardee must be able to present the award-winning work at the IDRC Conference in Chambersburg, PA, USA 25-July- to 31-July-2020. The award entails an honorarium of $2000.00 and expenses for his/her travel to the IDRC meeting and for an accompanying guest, up to $1500.00. The Birth Award is granted at the sole discretion of the CNIRS and the scientific panel and may not be awarded if appropriate.

Birth Award Winners

Award Winner
2004 Peter R. Griffiths University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
2006 Yukihiro Ozaki
Kwansei Gakuin University, Sanda, Japan
2008 James Burger
Burgermetrics, Jelgava, Latvia
2010 David H. Burns McGill University, Montreal, Canada
2012 Michael Myrick University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina
2014 Donald J. Dahm
Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey
2016 Eric B. Brauns University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
2018 Satoru Tsuchikawa Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
2020 Dolores Pérez Marín Universidad de Córdoba, Cordoba, Spain

Hirschfeld Award:

The 2020 Tomas Hirschfeld Award will be presented at Chambersburg in 2020.  The award, organised by ICNIRS with generous sponsorship from FOSS, is given annually to an individual who has made a significant contribution to NIR spectroscopy.   Anyone may nominate an individual for the award.  For more details and a list of previous awardees, see the ICNIRS website.

Young Scientist Award:

The Young Scientist Award, sponsored by Avian Technologies LLC, is recognizing excellence in diffuse reflectance research performed by currently enrolled graduate and post-doctoral students. The $1500 prize, designed to cover travel costs and on-site expenses, will be awarded at the International Diffuse Reflectance Conference where the awardee will present the work being recognized. Students should submit their nomination package to with the following:

- Description of the research, impact to the field, and innovation statement written by the candidate (2 pages max)
- Letter of support by the academic adviser (1 page)
- Publication(s) (if applicable)

Outstanding Poster Award:

The Outstanding Poster award recognizes excellence in research for both students and experienced professionals. Posters are judged by the award committee and consideration is given to scientific rigor, contribution to the field, relevance to the conference theme and overall presentation. The awardees will be recognized at the banquet and monetary awards will be given in the amounts of $100, $75 and $50, for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place posters, respectively. Please fill the Call for Poster Abstract form and submit it to

Call for Poster Abstract

Travel Fellowships:

Support for students and scientists, who might otherwise be unable to attend the IDRC Conference without additional financial aid, is available from the CNIRS. Fellowships will cover meeting registration and travel up to $500 for travel within the USA/Canada or up to $1000 for overseas travel.

Applicants should submit a resume and brief statement of how they would benefit from attending the Conference. In addition, individuals selected for support are expected to submit a poster of their work in the Poster Session of the IDRC.

Honorary Membership in the CNIRS:

Honorary Members are persons who have made exceptional contributions to near infrared spectroscopy and have been voted into their membership by the Governing Board of CNIRS. No more than two Honorary Members can be named in any fiscal year. Nominations and supporting documentation are to be submitted to the Awards Committee.