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HomeIDRC 2016 Shootout (on-site)

Shootout (on-site)

This year’s IDRC will again feature new type of shootout. Participants will be invited to bring their laptop and compete during 1h. Participants will be evaluated on the prediction performance of their model on an independent test set, nothing else. Two parameters will be provided and participants will need to develop a model for both. Reference values for the two parameters will be available for the calibration set but not for the independent test set. Note that there will only be two sets of data available: calibration and independent test sets.

We realize that working with two parameters in 1h is difficult. However, this is what separates the best from the rest: an ability to come prepared and have a methodology in mind. The spectral dataset is the same for both parameters. There will be 50 spectra in calibration and 20 in test. It is not aimed at being a difficult modeling exercise.

The data will come in the following format:
-    Excel
-    CSV

More data formats can be available upon request, at least 1 week before the shootout. All requests are to be sent to

The data will be stored on USB drives and distributed 5 min before the beginning of the competition. Information about the nature of the data will be provided at the start.

Because this format is intended to promote the competition amongst young scientists, the reward structure will be as follows:

Students (graduate and undergraduate):
1st place: $200
2nd place: $100
3rd place: $50

Post-doctoral students and professionals:
    Winner takes all: $200

Please indicate at least 1 week before the shootout if you are considering participating to the event by contacting us at

We hope you enjoy this format and we welcome your feedback.

On-site shootout data